Friday, July 18, 2008

The "Skinny" on Fat

As of Tuesday, July 15, my Gene-o had lost 46 pounds (and that is in 35 days, friends!) shocking the staff at Dr. Boyce's office. I tell you, this man is on a mission!

Surprisingly, quitting eating has been the easy part! Because his stomach "pouch" is so small and holds so little, it is easy for Gene to know when he has enough and know that if he forces more food down, it will most certainly, come back up. However, his brain has not caught on to that quite yet.

It's summertime, the best time of year to eat the good stuff: corn on the cob,fried okra,macaroni and tomatoes,fruit cobblers,you get the idea. And while one day those foods will be reintroduced (in moderation of course),the desire for them now continues to be strong. So in this, as in so many other areas of life, he is learning to deny himself the temporary pleasures looking forward to the long-term satisfaction discipline brings. Or, better said in Hebrews 12:11 "All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." We also expect it to yield better health, enjoyable outdoor activities and a more active social life.

So this time next year, when corn is bursting from the shuck, Gene will enjoy an "ear" or two and be done. Outside of fabulous weight loss and overall good health, I can't think of any greater gift that he will receive from all of this hard work than an ability to exercise moderation in all things!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


This is so great! Keep up the good work. We are praying for you.

Kay and Sonny