Friday, June 27, 2008

Refried Beans and Cottage Cheese!

On this happy day, 17 days post-surgery, Gene has heard (and seen, check out the pic!) the good news of a 29.5 pound weight loss!

As if the massive weight loss weren't enough to set his head a'spinnin', he now gets to add some pretty tasty provisions to his daily diet. Check it out: small curd cottage cheese, no sugar added juice (off canned fruit), refried beans, scrambled eggs, oatmeal and chicken! Of course, these items will be eaten only 3 times a day, 1.5 oz. at a time. He still has to drink his 64 oz. of approved liquids and get in 75 g. of protein daily, but these additions will make that seem like a walk in the park! We are both "super-excited"!

To celebrate Gene's grand news, we took the fam to see "Kung Fu Panda"...and oh my, some among our happy band felt a certain kinship to that fluffy fellow! Be that as it may, we had a good time and looked a little like tourists with our giddy picture taking before the show. (And yes, Gene LIKES white shirts. Note the presence of ink pens in the pocket but the important ABSENCE of a pocket protector!)Embarrassing? We moved past that a long time ago; you have met our family haven't you?

Well, Gene and I will now head to bed excited...because when we wake up, he can actually have FOOD to eat instead of merely a protein shake (shame on you for thinking what you were thinking!)!
Happy chewing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Way to go Gene. We are praying for you and Sonja.

Kay and Sonny